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6 Tips For Choosing Base Layer Clothing For Hunting

  Hunting is a popular pastime in the United States with 7% of the U.S. population actively involved in it. At first glance, this might not seem like a huge number, however, it amounts to 185 million hunting trips and more than $22.9 billion being spent on hunting every year. And these hunters all have one thing in common: they need to be suitably dressed for the occasion. Suitable clothing for a hunting trip begins with choosing the right base layer. However, selecting a base layer can be more complicated than you think due to the number of functions it must perform. However, the following tips aim to make that decision much easier. Go For Comfort Out of all your...

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Cold-Weather Camping Survival Tips

When you’re heading out for a camping trip, staying warm and dry will be essential to your well-being. However, this is more difficult to achieve when the weather is colder. And while a cold spell doesn’t necessarily mean an end to your camping trip, it does require some additional preparation. Follow these tips to help keep warm and well, but remember this is not a definitive guide - you will need to adjust your equipment and plans according to the conditions at the time of your trip. Pack Light And Pack Well Packing light is imperative to any camping trip, but don’t go underprepared. Start with a clothing system that is going to keep you warm and dry, no matter...

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How To Gear Up A Toddler When Hiking In Winter

A love of the great outdoors usually starts at an early age, and with so many trails open to toddlers, such as the spectacular Ferndale Nature Trail and the Portland Creek, it would be a shame for younger children to miss out. For this reason, keen hikers might want to introduce their toddlers to the world of hiking as soon as possible. Spring, summer and fall hikes are a wonderful opportunity to let your toddler become familiar with the great, wide open. However, winter hikes will pose a unique range of obstacles.  The following tips aim to provide some advice and guidance for gearing your toddler up for winter hiking, but always adapt clothing and equipment according to the temperatures,...

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How To Properly Store Your Outdoor Gear

Whether your passion is camping, hunting, hiking, walking or cycling, there’s one thing you shouldn’t overlook: the proper storage of your outdoor gear. Correct storage is an often-ignored part of maintenance, but it’s certainly one that should be given some attention. Without proper storage, mold and mildew can develop, or the gear you’ve invested in might not last as long as it should. Read the following hints and tips to help create a proper storage plan for your outdoor gear. Refer To The Instructions Manufacturers often issue informational leaflets that will include details about the correct maintenance of their goods; these will sometimes provide information about the best way to store their products/gear. However, if there aren’t directions for storage,...

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5 Ways To Educate The Kids About Being Outdoors

Computer games, social media and advances in technology mean our children aren’t as active as they used to be. However, kids have plenty to gain from getting outdoors – and there are more benefits than just fresh air and exercise. Research suggests being outside with nature can enhance development, improve learning abilities and reduce anxiety. The lack of outdoor activity among children is considered a major problem these days. Author and journalist Richard Louv argues that the limited access to nature is contributing to obesity and behavioral problems, resulting in what Louv calls nature deficit disorder. Currently, nature deficit disorder isn’t a recognized health condition, but the advantages kids get from being out in the fresh air can’t be denied....

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