7 Tips For Selecting Kids Outdoor Wear

Suitable outdoor wear will let your kids remain active all year round, but it has to be up to the rough and tumble that it’s likely to endure. In addition, there are several other features you should look for in kids’ outdoor wear if it’s going to be fit for purpose. So, if you’re hunting for suitable clothing, detailed below are seven tips to help you make the right choice.

Look For Outdoor Wear That Is Built To Last

With childhood obesity increasing, we should all be encouraging our kids to spend more time outdoors, but regular use can soon show in our clothing. When worn regularly, clothing can soon start to look tired and frayed, and tears can happen all too easily, especially if the materials are too flimsy. When you’re selecting outdoor wear, chose natural materials made from tough but gentle fibers for added durability, and avoid synthetics if you can.

Select Outdoor Wear That Gives Added Warmth

Kids don’t always feel the cold when they’re rushing around, but that doesn’t mean they won’t suffer from the effects of it. For colder weather, outdoor wear that can add extra insulation while being light to wear will provide a good balance. And the best way to find clothing that has both of these qualities is to buy natural fibers as opposed to synthetic ones.

Go For Low Maintenance Outdoor Wear

When selecting children’s clothing, low maintenance is a feature that should be near the top of your list. Hunt for quick drying items that only require a little care to keep them in tip top condition so they’ll always be ready for the next outdoor experience. Also, look for stain resistant and anti-microbial materials for even lower maintenance.

Choose Kids Outdoor Wear That Is Fit For All Weathers

Unlike many adults, kids are well-known for their sense of adventure. They don’t want to stay in if it’s raining - and they relish the opportunity to get out in the snow. However, children’s wear can be costly, and you don’t necessarily want to spend money on cold weather and warm weather clothing.

So, get better value from clothing by choosing materials that are fit for all weathers: snow, sun and everything in between, Pick fibers that provide adaptability and they’ll naturally adjust to a change in the climate. By choosing versatile clothing, you’ll save money and have clothing that will keep your child comfortable in a variety climates.

Look For Signs Of Quality

Poor quality clothing is a false economy; it’s worth paying that bit extra for kids wear that is going to last as your child grows. Some of the indications of good quality clothing are well-finished hems and seams and careful stitching. In addition, feel the material before buying; higher quality fabrics tend to have a softer feel, while lower quality clothing can feel coarser to the touch. Finally, metal zips, as opposed to plastic zips, can be another indication of well-made clothing.

Go For Outdoor Wear With Color

It can be hard encouraging kids to dress properly for different climates. However, by hunting for outdoor wear that is bold and colorful, your child should find it appealing. And if the outdoor wear at least looks fun, then your child shouldn’t take quite so much persuading to put it on.

However, colorful clothing can have an added bonus too. It can enable your child to be seen more easily in busier areas or when there is less vizibility. Nevertheless, don’t rely on it, and add reflective bands if the conditions call for it.

Allow For Growth

Children tend to grow quickly, which means you won’t always get the value from outdoor wear that you hoped for. To limit this problem, select outdoor wear that allows for some growth, but not too much. Also, check that clothing isn’t too loose or it won’t provide the protection that it should.


Choosing the right kids' outdoor wear means balancing out practical features with fun styles and bright colors that are visually appealing. Moreover, durability, quality and warmth should be at the top of the list when searching for children’s outdoor wear. And, finally, selecting low-maintenance wear that allows versatility and comfort should help keep everyone happy.

Woop! Wear specializes in the sale of alpaca activewear clothing for outdoors lovers. To find out more about our range, to order an item, or to ask us a question, visit the Woop! Wear website today.

 Image: Flickr